St Nicolas

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Ordinary People, Everyday Faith, Abundant Life

Known locally as the ‘one hand clock’ church, this ancient and iconic church building is located right next to the new North Stoneham Park development and opposite Eastleigh Football Club. We are committed to playing a full part in our local community and we hold a monthly cafe church in the YMCA Community Centre on North Stoneham Park.

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The best way to find out what’s going on at St Nics is by following us on Facebook where you can find out about all that is happening in and out of the building – on Sundays and across the week.

st nics facebook page

Morning Communion

10.30am – 1st and 3rd Sundays of the Month

Join us for a simple communion service with prayers, sermon and well-loved hymns. This service follows the traditional liturgy of Common Worship.

St Nics @ 4

4pm – Every Sunday

An informal service with a warm welcome for all ages.

This service makes use of a range of activities to help us grow in faith together. So whether you prefer to listen to a sermon, engage in discussion, take time to reflect, or keep yourself active, you’ll find there’s something for everyone.

Once a month we have Communion but at other times, you can take part in worship for all ages or a discussion-based session where everyone has a say!

Once a month, on the third Sunday of the month, we leave the building and hold a cafe church in the YMCA Community Centr on North Stoneham Park.

The Living Room

10am – 12pm Every Tuesday in Term Time

We open up St. Nicolas every Tuesday for our wellbeing drop-in.

Whether you’re looking for a friendly chat and some refreshments, or just some space to escape the pace of life, join us in the Living Room every Tues morning term time. 


Wheelchair Access: Yes
Induction Loop: No
Large Print: Yes
Toilets: Yes
Accessible Toilets: Yes

There has been a place of worship at St Nics for over 1000 years