

For us, giving is an act of worship and part of the challenging lifestyle that is following Jesus. We encourage all who are part of our churches to give something, however small, to help fund the life of our church. If you would like to support all that we do by giving financially, please find details below.

Regular Giving

During the church closure, we are unable to take offerings during our services, so we would like to encourage our congregation to use the Parish Giving Scheme. To set up a regular gift, to our parish, call the PGS dedicated telephone line: 0333 002 1271. The sign up process normally takes around 15 minutes. You will need to have the following info to hand:
– Your personal bank account details
– The name of our parish: North Stoneham and Bassett
– Confirm if you want to increase your gift in line with inflation each year
– Confirm if you are eligible for Gift Aid

The PGS code for our Parish is 416013161

One-off Gifts

To make a single one-off donation (including gift aid), please use the Stewardship Services at where you can make a donation using your debit or credit card.

go to the stewardship web site

Give as You Live

You can also raise funds for the Parish as you do your normal shopping using Give as You Live. To find out more and set up an account go to

You will need the following details:
– Charity: PCC of North Stoneham and Bassett
– Charity Number: 1175931

go to give as you live

Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax payer, you can increase the value of your gift through Gift Aid. The on-line services above provide mechnisms for automatically claiming this back (if applicable). However, if you want to make a gift directly to the Parish and allow us to claim Gift Aid, please fill out the NSAB Gift Aid Declaration form.

For more information about Gift Aid, please see the UK Government site (

download nsab gift aid form

Want to give your time too? Contact the Parish Office for volunteering opportunities.